Announcements for Thursday September 12th, 2024

Today’s Lunch is Hamburgers, French Fries


★The 21st Century after school program will be starting this week. Registration forms must be filled out and returned to the office before students can attend. Forms can be found at the office. 

~Thursday Sept. 12th 7:45-8:00 AM & 3:30-5:30 PM. 

~Friday Sept. 13th will only be in the morning 7:45-8:00 AM

★21st Century will be Monday-Friday 7:45-8:00 AM and Tuesday-Thursday 3:30-5:30 PM

★Mini Cheer Camp forms were sent home with kids in grades K-6, they must be turned in by Friday September 13th. If you need a form, please contact the office!

★Friday September 13th will be Hat Day! Bring $1.00 and wear a hat to raise money for our school playground basketball court!

★Homecoming is set for the week of September 16-20 with the Football game on Friday beginning at 7:00PM.

★Homecoming Coronation will be held on Monday, September 16th at 1:45 PM followed by the Parade at 2:45 PM

★Anyone interested in being in the Fessenden-Bowdon Homecoming Parade please call the school or email Shantel. The parade starts at 2:45 pm. Line up at 2:30 PM

★Homecoming Candidates and Attendants are as follows: 

Queen Candidates - Rylee Jones, Ebony Heilman, Karroll Wachtel, Ella Allmaras 

King Candidates - Boston Fike, Porter Johnson, Douglas Jackovial, Lucas Copenhaver 

Sophomore Attendants - Lane Risovi & Braylee Keller

Second Grade Crown Bearers - Ford Weigelt & Avery Bollingberg

Master of Ceremony - Britain Kittelson

★Elementary Dress Up Days (Sept. 16-20):

Monday - Movie Character Day 

Tuesday - Twin Day

Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday

Thursday - Western Day

Friday - Spirit Day

★High School Dress Up Days (Sept. 16-20):

Monday - Adam Sandler

Tuesday - Rhyme Without Reason

Wednesday - Anything but a Backpack

Thursday - White Lies

Friday - Spirit Day

★The Close Up group is having a fundraiser- HWC Clothing and more-the website is https://shorturl.at/NJkO7 Deadline to order is September 23rd! 

★Activity Fees are due for any student participating in activities in grades 7-12 , fees for 2024-2025 are $95

★If you are interested in PowerSchool Parent Access or eFunds, please contact Shantel by phone 701-547-3296 ext 120 or email shantel.muscha@fessenden.k12.nd.us to get the process started. Learn more here: https://shorturl.at/5gJC6

★Any Items to be included in the Daily Announcements need to be emailed to

shantel.muscha@fessenden.k12.nd.us by 3:00 PM to be included in the next day's memo.


Thursday, September 12th:

  • HWC Football (JH) in Carrington @ 5:00 PM

  • Little Stingers Football in Cooperstown @ 5:30 PM

Friday, September 13th: 

  • Hat Day - $1 for our school playground basketball court!

  • 6th Grade Eco-Ed Day at the Outdoor Learning Center

  • 5th/6th GBB in Leeds @ 4:30 PM

  • HWC Football (V) in Carrington @ 7:00 PM

Saturday, September 14th:

  • HWC Volleyball (JH) Jam in Carrington TBD 

  • Little Stingers Football in Steele TBD