Announcements for Monday September 16th, 2024

Today’s Lunch is Teriyaki Chicken, Rice


—Parents, please do not have your students to school before 8:00am unless they are signed up for the 21st Century Program. Teachers are arriving before this time and need a few minutes to get prepared for their day. The front door will be opened at 8:00 for students arriving for the day. Thank you!

★Students who want to drive themselves to Harvey for the Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally on Friday, need to have a permission form signed and turned into Mr. Loff by 8:30 Friday morning!

★21st Century will be Monday-Friday 7:45-8:00 AM and Tuesday-Thursday 3:30-5:30 PM

Registration forms must be filled out and returned to the office before students can attend. Forms can be found at the office. 

★Tuesday September 17th - 21st Century will be done at 4:45! 

★Homecoming Coronation will be held on Monday, September 16th at 1:45 PM followed by the Parade at 2:45 PM

★The Homecoming Coronation is at 1:45 pm. 

★The Homecoming Parade starts at 2:45 pm. Line up at 2:30 PM

★Homecoming Candidates and Attendants are as follows: 

Queen Candidates - Rylee Jones, Ebony Heilman, Karroll Wachtel, Ella Allmaras 

King Candidates - Boston Fike, Porter Johnson, Douglas Jackovial, Lucas Copenhaver 

Sophomore Attendants - Lane Risovi & Braylee Keller

Second Grade Crown Bearers - Ford Weigelt & Avery Bollingberg

Master of Ceremony - Britain Kittelson

★Elementary Dress Up Days (Sept. 16-20):

Monday - Movie Character Day 

Tuesday - Twin Day

Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday

Thursday - Western Day

Friday - Spirit Day

★High School Dress Up Days (Sept. 16-20):

Monday - Adam Sandler

Tuesday - Rhyme Without Reason

Wednesday - Anything but a Backpack

Thursday - White Lies

Friday - Spirit Day

★The Close Up group is having a fundraiser- HWC Clothing and more-the website is https://shorturl.at/NJkO7 Deadline to order is September 23rd! 

★Activity Fees are due for any student participating in activities in grades 7-12 , fees for 2024-2025 are $95. You can also purchase an admission pass as well for adults and any student not in sports. Please call the school office for more information.

★If you are interested in PowerSchool Parent Access or eFunds, please contact Shantel by phone 701-547-3296 ext 120 or email shantel.muscha@fessenden.k12.nd.us to get the process started. Learn more here: https://shorturl.at/5gJC6

★Any Items to be included in the Daily Announcements need to be emailed to

shantel.muscha@fessenden.k12.nd.us by 3:00 PM to be included in the next day's memo.


Monday, September 16th:

  • Homecoming Coronation @ 1:45 PM

  • Homecoming Parade @ 2:45 PM. With line up at 2:30

  • HWC Volleyball (JH) in Devils Lake @ 4:30 PM

  • HWC Football (JV) vs. Devils Lake in Harvey @ 5:30 PM

Tuesday, September 17th:

  • HWC Volleyball (A/B/C/JH) vs St. John in Harvey @ 3:30 PM

  • 5th/6th GBB in Minnewaukan @ 4:30 PM

Thursday, September 19th:

  • HWC Volleyball (JH) in Velva @ 4:00 PM

  • HWC Volleyball (A/B/C) vs. Griggs County in Fessenden @ 5:00 PM

  • Little Stingers Football vs. Rugby in Harvey @ 5:30 PM

Friday, September 20th: 

  • High School to Harvey for Pep Rally and Parade

  • HWC Football (V) vs. Bottineau @ 7:00 PM - Homecoming Game