Announcements for Thursday, September 17, 2020
Today’s Lunch is Hamburgers on Bun, Cheese, French Fries, Peas, Peaches, Milk
Happy Birthday to Peyton Austin!
- Anything COVID-19 related should be directed to Ms. Bussman. She is our COVID-19 Point of Contact.
- Visitors must enter the building through DOOR 1 and check in at the office. They must sign in and have their temperature checked. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4F or above will not be allowed to enter the building. Due to COVID, we will be limiting the number of visitors that enter the building this year. Visitors will not be allowed past the office unless they have permission from the Administration. Visitors are encouraged to wear a disposable mask and sanitize their hands in the office. Visitors will be given a badge and must check out with the office when they leave. Parents picking up, dropping off, or their children must wait outside unless they need something from the office. Thank you for your cooperation. We are doing everything we can to keep us all in school
- HWC Girl’s Volleyball game scheduled for Thursday has been rescheduled for Saturday, September 26 at 2:30PM in Fessenden.
- FFA meeting on Friday, September 18 from 12:00-12:24PM. A reminder that any 7th or 8th graders that want to attend need to let their academic time teachers know beforehand and get a permission slip.
- Close-Up is having a car wash on Saturday, September 19 from 12-4PM at the Bubble Barn in Fessenden. Free will donations will be accepted.
- Homecoming 2020: There will be a Homecoming coronation and parade in Fessenden on Monday, September 28. Coronation will be at 1:30pm in the New Gym followed by the parade at 2:30pm. If you or your business would like to enter a float, please contact Lindsay in the School office at 701-547-3296.
- HWC Football Players: Please pay $20 to a senior parent for the lunches that will be provided after away games.
- Any Items to be included in the Daily Announcements need to be emailed to lindsay.widicker@fessenden.k12.nd.us by 3:00 PM to be included in the next day's memo.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
- ASVAB for Juniors in FACS Room @ 8:30AM
- ONLY 5th & 6th Little Stingers vs Nelson County at Harvey @ 6:00PM
- JH Volleyball vs Velva (Harvey) @ 5:00PM
Friday, September 18, 2020
- HWC Football vs Langdon (Harvey) @ 7:00PM
- FFA Meeting from 12:00-12:24PM
Saturday, September 19, 2020
- Close-Up Carwash 12-4PM in Fessenden at Bubble Barn