Announcements for Friday, September 18, 2020
Today’s Lunch is Pizza, Carrot Sticks, Orange Wedges, Milk
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Bueling this weekend!
Anything COVID-19 related should be directed to Ms. Bussman. She is our COVID-19 Point of Contact.
Close-Up is having a car wash on Saturday, September 19 from 12-4PM at the Bubble Barn in Fessenden. Free will donations will be accepted.
FFA Meeting TODAY at 12:20PM.
Homecoming 2020: There will be a Homecoming coronation and parade in Fessenden on Monday, September 28. Coronation will be at 1:30pm in the New Gym followed by the parade at 2:30pm. If you or your business would like to enter a float, please contact Lindsay in the School office at 701-547-3296.
The Little Stingers played Rugby on Tuesday, September 15. Final scores were: (3rd & 4th) Stingers 6 Rugby 20, (5th & 6th) Stingers 36 Rugby 16.
5th and 6th grade Little Stingers won last night. They are undefeated and their score was 18-0.
Any Items to be included in the Daily Announcements need to be emailed to lindsay.widicker@fessenden.k12.nd.us by 3:00 PM to be included in the next day's memo.
Friday, September 18, 2020
HWC Football vs Langdon (Harvey) @ 7:00PM
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Close-Up carwash 12-4PM in Fessenden at Bubble Barn
Monday, September 21, 2020
HWC Cross Country at Langdon Golf Course
JH Volleyball vs Carrington (Carrington) @ TBD
JV Football vs Bottineau (Harvey) @ 5:00PM
School Board Meeting @ 8:00PM