Announcements for Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Today’s Lunch is Egg Salad & Meat Sandwiches, Chips, Carrots, Grapes, Milk
HWC Volleyball (A/B/JH) has games TONIGHT in Fessenden beginning at 5:00PM in the NEW GYM.
Class composite picture order forms are coming home with students. If you would like to order a class picture composite of your child’s class, please include payment and bring it back to the office by October 1. There are also forms available outside the office.
Homecoming King and Queen were crowned yesterday. Congratulations to Madison Jones and Jaxon Fike!
Student Council is selling wreaths. Please contact Mr. Loff or one of the student council members to place your order.
HWC Cross Country - Students in grades K-6 are invited to run the elementary Cross Country race at the HWC invitational meet. The race is one mile. The meet will be at the Harvey Golf Course on September 29th. Runners should meet Coach Mongeon by 3:55pm. The race begins at 4:00PM. Contact Coach Mongeon at 605-864-0210 with any questions.
Wells County District Health will have flu shots available in the East Parking Lot of the Fessenden-Bowdon School on October 19 & 20 from 3:30-7:00PM during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Any Items to be included in the Daily Announcements need to be emailed to lindsay.widicker@fessenden.k12.nd.us by 3:00 PM to be included in the next day's memo.
Community News
ALL in for Bella T-shirts are for sale at the Bowdon Grocery Store. They are $20 and all proceeds go to help Bella Sprunt and her family with medical expenses. If you would like to have shirts delivered to Fessenden, please contact Laurene Heintz at 701-650-1537.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
- FFA District Leadership @ Harvey
- Cross Country in Harvey @ 3:00PM
- HWC Invitational Meet at Harvey Golf Course 4:00PM
- Elementary Girl’s BB vs Kidder County (Tappen) @ 4:30PM
- HWC VB vs Rolette/Wolford (Fessenden) (A/B/JH) @ 5:00PM
- Little Stingers - 3rd & 4th Grade @ 5:00PM | 5th & 6th Grade @ 6:00PM (Carrington)
Thursday, October 1, 2020
- Elementary Girl’s BB vs Maddock @ 4:30PM
- HWC VB (A/B/C/JH) @ Rolla 5:00PM
- JH FB @ Rugby 5:00PM
Friday, October 2, 2020
- Harvey Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally @ 1:00PM - Grades 7-12
- HWC FB vs Park River Area (Harvey/Homecoming) 7:00PM