🚑 Fessenden-Bowdon Students Learn Lifesaving Skills! ❤️ Today, students in grades K-6 had the incredible opportunity to learn hands-only CPR from the Fessenden Ambulance team! Through hands-on practice and expert guidance, these young learners gained valuable knowledge about responding to emergencies and helping others in need. A huge THANK YOU to the Fessenden Ambulance crew for sharing their time and expertise to empower our students with these lifesaving skills!
about 5 hours ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Fessenden-Bowdon 2024-2025 Yearbook Presale! Order by June 1st!
2 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
2024-2025 Yearbook
In library class this week, we are reading Miss Nelson is Missing and having fun discussing the story of the kind teacher who disappears, leaving her class with a tough substitute! Don't miss the FMCT performance of the play next Tuesday, March 18th at Harvey Elementary at 6:30pm ($7 for adults, $5 for students)!
2 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Miss Nelson is Missing
Parent/Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday and Wednesday. If you haven't already done so, please use the following link to pick a time for your student's conference. https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Fessenden_Bowdon_Public_School Parents of 7-12 Students: Your student(s) will bring home a letter today identifying which teacher they are slated to have Student-Led Conferences with. Please only schedule a conference with the teacher they are assigned to.
3 days ago, Aaron Loff
FBS will be having Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration on March 18th & 19th!
8 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
PreK & K Reg.
Adult Farm Safety event on Wednesday, March 19th at the Festival Hall in Fessenden from 10am-2pm
8 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Adult Farm Safety
13th Annual Shooting For a Cure 3 on 3 Basketball Tourney will be held on Saturday, April 5th at the Fessenden-Bowdon School.
13 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
3 on 3 b-ball tourney
FBS needed to call the fire department this morning for smoke and a hot smell on the stage. After investigation it was found that a fan unit went bad on a heater on the stage. All students and staff are safe and accounted for. Thank you to the Fessenden Fire Department and ambulance for their quick response. Mrs. Benz
15 days ago, Stacy Benz
Metigoshe in Motion will be held after school for the early out on Wednesday, February 26th for grades 3-8 at the First Lutheran Church from 1:30 - 5:00 PM. Everyone welcome!
17 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
2-26-25 MIM
The 2nd Annual Corn Hole Tournament at the Bowdon School Gym, will be on March 2, 2025 with registration at 3:00 pm.
17 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Corn Hole Tournament
School will start on-time tomorrow (2/19/25) & buses will run. Students must wear warm winter gear or they will not be allowed to ride the bus. Riders should also bring a blanket.
23 days ago, Stacy Benz
Fessenden-Bowdon Public School is committed to providing high-quality instruction for all students. To support our teachers in learning new teaching practices and improving their skills, we currently utilize early release days once a month for professional development. We understand that any change to the school day can impact families, and we strive to find the option that best balances the needs of our students, teachers, and families. For next school year, we are considering a change to late start days instead of early release. This would mean that school would begin 1 1/2 hours later than usual (10:30 am instead of 8:30 am) one day each month. This dedicated time for teacher professional development is crucial for improving the quality of education your children receive. We appreciate your feedback on this potential change. https://forms.gle/1t99WV8FPTcJNdHZ7
23 days ago, Stacy Benz
Soup Supper at the First Lutheran Church in Fessenden on Thursday, February 13th from 3-6 pm. Come out and help support the work of Manfred History and Preservation, Inc.
29 days ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Soup Supper
We are getting closer to our fundraising goal to build a new basketball court on our playground! Please consider donating today to make this dream a reality!
29 days ago, Aaron Loff
The Annual Lions' sponsored Food Fair will be Sunday, February 2nd from 5-7pm at the Bowdon Gym!
about 1 month ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Lions' Food Fair
HWC Wrestlers traveling to Belcourt today will now leave Fessenden at 12:15. They will be dismissed at 11:55 to eat.
about 1 month ago, Aaron Loff
Updated JH BBB Schedule 12/2/2024 Practice Starts 12/14/2024 N/R Sheyenne N/R Sheyenne 12:00 PM 7-8 (CBA to follow) 1/6/2025 Glenburn Fessenden 5:00 APM 1/14/2025 Carrington CARRINGTON HS 4:30PM 2 games 7-8 1/16/2025 Central McLean Fessenden 4:30 PM 2 games 7-8 1/23/2025 Four Winds Fessenden 4:00 PM 7-8 C squad 2/1/2025 at Steele Kidder County 10:30 AM 7-8 (varsity to follow) 2/3/2025 at Velva Velva 4:00 PM 2 games 7-8 2/4/2025 at Rugby Rugby 4:30 PM 2 games 7-8 2/7/2025 Carrington Harvey Grade School 5:00 PM 2 games 7-8 2/11/2025 Oberon Fessenden 4:00 AM 1 game 2/17/2025 TGU Harvey High School 4:30 PM 7-8 (JV-V to follow) 2/18/2025 at Maddock Maddock High School 4:30PM 2 JH Games 2/21/2025 Central McLean Underwood Tourn 2/22/2025 Central McLean Underwood Tourn
about 2 months ago, Aaron Loff
100th Day of School Celebration!
about 2 months ago, Aaron Loff
HWC Cheer Team is putting on a Mini Cheer camp to do a performance at half time of the Boys Basketball games on January 31st in Harvey and February 6th in Fessenden. Information forms can be found at the school office and were also sent home with students in grades K-6.
about 2 months ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public Schools
Cheer Camp
Due to a shortage of buses, Brandy Bartz's bus (#7) will by riding home on Jody Austin's bus (#9) for the rest of the week. Drop off times for Jody's regular bus students may be delayed. Brandy will continue to pick up students in the AM.
about 2 months ago, Stacy Benz