Lego Robotic's Rockin' Robo Team will be doing a public presentation today at 5:00 PM in the Old Gym. Everyone is welcome to come watch as they prepare for the State Lego Robotics Competition which is in Grand Forks on Saturday.
almost 5 years ago, Jenn Tesch
The 3rd Graders are presenting an idea to the city council about restoring the recycling program in Fessenden. Please answer a quick survey question to give us some info to back up our proposal idea. We greatly appreciate it!
almost 5 years ago, Torrie Bueling
I am running out of trivia so am going to have to really put my thinking cap on. Here is Mrs. Rau's trivia question #19: How many different teachers has she been an official mentor to?
almost 5 years ago, Mindy Rau
Congratulations to the Rockin Robos on their 4th place finish at regionals and advancing to the state competition which will be held on February 8th in Grand Forks.
almost 5 years ago, Jenn Tesch
Lego Robotics Team
AFTER SCHOOL ART CLUB! Forms have been sent home with the K-6th graders, and 7-12 can print the form below or stop in the office for one if they are interested. Need a minimum of 3 student to hold the session. If you have any other questions please contact Amber Fortney.
almost 5 years ago, Jenn Tesch
After School Art Club
Kindergarteners learned about the importance of book order today in the library!
almost 5 years ago, Mackenzie Dietz
Book Order
This week the first graders learned that some animals express feelings just like humans do. They worked hard on their writing so they could teach everyone else about it too! They were asked to write at least five sentences, some wrote up to 10! I love their passion for learning.
almost 5 years ago, Danica Neumiller
Working hard on writing.
Working hard on writing.
Working hard on writing.
Tonight's game will be played as follows JH, Varsity, Junior Varsity starting at 4:30 PM. Grades 3-6 students that are singing the Star Spangled Banner please be by New Gym no later then 5:20 PM.
almost 5 years ago, Jenn Tesch
JV Wrestling in Carrington for Saturday, January 18 has been cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Warren Strand
The 3rd-6th Grade Choir will be performing the Star-Spangled Banner at tomorrow, January 17th, basketball game. Please have your child meet Kristen Allmaras in front of the gym at 7:15 PM. Once they sing, they will be free to go!
about 5 years ago, Jenn Tesch
CHANGES FOR TONIGHT'S JH GBB GAME:. JH Games will begin at 4:30 and will play 6 quarter, or 3 halves.
about 5 years ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public School District
1st graders teach us about Chameleons. Love the creative writing and colorful pictures!
about 5 years ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public School District
2nd grade stories and artwork about the Iditarod🐾...we have such creative kiddos!
about 5 years ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public School District
4th grade Hiaku poems...and some beautiful artwork!
about 5 years ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public School District
These are great NEW resources on digital devices for teens . Brief summary of YD1917: The widespread use of cell phones by teenagers raises the concern of the negative effects it could have on their performance in school. However, teachers can work with their students to incorporate effective cell phone use into the classroom. When used appropriately, cell phones can enhance class participation and allow students to access current information. Brief summary of YD1918: Digital devices play an important role in the daily lives of teens. While they do offer many benefits, they can also expose teens to cyberbullying and other harmful effects that can be detrimental to a teen's health and overall development. Parents should be actively involved in their teens' lives and educate themselves about digital devices and social media so they can provide adequate support. **These publications can be found on the NDSU Extension website under Publications à Kids & Family à Adolescence & Youth . Or, you can just search for publications YD1917 and YD1918.** Here is the link to both:
about 5 years ago, Nancy Bollingberg
Congratulation Madison Kost! I received this message from our County Auditor about the "I Voted" coloring contest. --------+ I am very excited to let you know that the Wells County Commissioners have picked a winner in the “I Voted” coloring contest!  The winner is Madison Kost of the Fessenden-Bowdon School!  Madison’s entry was picked out of all of the entry’s submitted by the 4th graders in Wells County.  I will forward her entry to the State and let you know the results when I receive them, which should be in April sometime.  CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK MADISON!!! Julie Krosbakken  
about 5 years ago, Fessenden-Bowdon Public School District
I Voted
Mrs. Rau's Trivia question number 18: One year when Mrs. Rau taught she had 3 students in the same grade with the same first name. What were the first and last names of those students?
about 5 years ago, Mindy Rau
We still have several openings for the blood drive tomorrow. If there is anyway that any of you would be willing to donate, that would be awesome. The openings are at 10, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45 2:15 and 2:30. Please contact Mr. Moe at 547-3296 EXT 108.
about 5 years ago, Nancy Bollingberg
Merry Christmas from the Fessenden-Bowdon First Lego League. Keep an eye out for our Positivity Campaign.
about 5 years ago, Jenn Tesch
2019-2020 FB Lego Robotics Team
Trivia question 17: What is the first and last name of the wildlife expert that Mrs. Rau's Ecology class Skyped with?
about 5 years ago, Mindy Rau