Check out the travel schedule to find out about busing for activities! This document is updated frequently. Today there will be hs/jh volleyball practice and hs/jh football practice. The bus will leave from Fessenden at 6:45AM.

Don't forget tomorrow night is Back to School Bash! We can't wait to welcome everyone back. Hotdogs, chips, cookies and lemonade will be served at 5:30pm. We hope to see you all there!

Check out how to fund your student(s) lunch account and pay activity fees!!
The website link is:


Mark your calendars! School picture day will be Thursday, August 18.

Just a reminder to have your physicals and activity fees paid prior to starting Fall Sports next month!!
Activity Fees are $85 each or Maximum $225 for a family.
Adult Activity Passes are $125.
Varsity/Junior Varsity (Grades 9-12)Football Practice Begins August 4th.
Junior High (Grades 7-8) Football Practice Begins August 8th.
Volleyball (Grades 7-12) Practice Begins August 15th.
Cross Country (Grades 7-12) Practice Begins August 8th.

Here are all the 2022-2023 Supply Lists for all Grades!!

Mark your calendars! JH (7th & 8th Grade) class registration will take place on Tuesday, August 2 from 1:00-3:30PM. High School class registration will take place on Wednesday, August 3 from 1:00-3:30PM. Registration will be held at the school with Mr. Loff. If you have students in both JH and High School, you only need to attend ONE day.

The students attending our extended school year had a great time today visiting some of the businesses in town. We learned about savings accounts, addressing and mailing letters, grocery shopping, and paying for items. It was so fun to have a hands-on activity!

Beginning today, the Food Pantry will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30PM inside Door 3 at the school.

Don't forget to vote today! Voting locations are available at the Fessenden Festival Hall. Polling locations are open from 8:00AM-7:00PM.

Meet our new administrative assistant - Kylah Locken! You can reach her at 701-547-3296 ext 120 or via email at kylah.locken@fessenden.k12.nd.us. Welcome to the team!

Mark your calendars! The Close Up Group will be having a car wash on Friday, June 10 from 12:00-4:00PM. Stop by and get your vehicle cleaned!

Congrats to the HWC Softball game on their wins yesterday at the Region Tournament! They will play Heart River today at 3:00PM. If they win, they will play again at 5:00PM against the loser of the Velva-Beulah game.
Here are the scores from yesterdays action:
#1 Velva/Drake-Anamoose (10), #5 Washburn/C-S (1)
#2 Beulah (7), #6 Central McLean (1)
#4 Heart River (17), #8 Hazen (7) – Elimination Game
#3 Harvey/Wells County (18), #7 Wilton-Wing (3) – Elimination Game
#4 Heart River (13), #6 Central McLean (3) – Elimination Game
#3 Harvey/Wells County (5), Washburn/C-S (4) – Elimination Game

The library will be open this summer! You can stop by Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00AM-12:00PM. Summer reading will begin tomorrow (May 24) at 10:00AM for all students starting with PK and up.

The HWC Softball team will play on Monday against Central McLean at 5:00PM in Beulah.

Summer Vacation has begun! The school office will be open Monday-Thursday from 8:00AM-4:00PM. You can call or stop by with any questions. Have A Fun and Safe Summer!

Congratulations to the HWC Softball team on their win over Carrington last night! The final score was 14-0.

Summer Rec Sign up will be on Monday, May 23 from 5-7 pm in the Park. One change from previous years is that all rec and pool sign-ups will happen that night - including swimming lessons. See the picture below for more information. You can also message this account with questions; however, there will be no early sign-ups.

Good Morning! We want to take this opportunity to prepare you for upcoming changes to the National School Lunch Program. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 allowed public schools to provide all students with free meals when the COVID-19 pandemic began in March of 2020. The act will expire at the end of the current school year. Please read this letter from Mr. Dennis explaining what to expect for next year: https://bit.ly/39nZ2el