The academic award ceremony is tomorrow at 8:35AM in the New Gym.

Fessenden-Bowdon Graduation will be on Sunday, May 22 at 2:00PM in the Fessenden-Bowdon Gym.

Congratulations to Mrs. Kristen Jones on her graduation from Mayville State University with a BS in Education! Mrs. Jones is our Pre-Kindergarten teacher.

The results of the Lloyd Memorial Track Meet are available at https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/meet/449212/teamscores.

Yesterday the 5th and 6th Graders shared some of what they have learned in science and social studies. It was so much fun getting to learn from their experiments and meeting the people they chose to research. Great job guys!

Postponed: HWC Softball game in Beulah has been postponed. Baseball has also been postponed due to wet field conditions. Stay tuned for updated dates and times.

The Lloyd Memorial Track Meet will take place on Saturday, May 14 with field events beginning at 10:00AM and running events beginning at 11:00AM at the Fessenden track. There will be concessions available to raise money for the track. This will be a varsity and JH meet. Come out and watch some great athletes!

Update: The baseball game has been cancelled for today, but will be made up on Tuesday, May 17th.

At the May school board meeting, we recognized Reade Neumiller for his years of service to the Fessenden-Bowdon School.

Canceled: The track meet at Kindred scheduled for today has been canceled due to weather.

Yesterday we had Shipwrecks for lunch with beef purchased from Bowdon Meats, which is our local meat processing plant.

Location Change: HWC Softball will play Velva today in Minot at the South Hill Complex with a start time of 12:00PM.

Location Change: The CNDC Track Meet scheduled for tomorrow will be held in Rugby instead of Fessenden due to the rain.

Yesterday the 3-6th grade students got to participate in the Ag in the Gym presentation from the NDSU extension service. It was an awesome learning opportunity!

This morning students in grades 7-12 witnessed what can happen when someone chooses to drive while distracted. This was a mock accident organized by the PACT students, Wells County Emergency Management, Fessenden Fire and Ambulance, and the Wells County Sheriff's Dept. Thank you to everyone who helped!

Today is our last senior spotlight and it is shining on Nicole Neumiller. She is the daughter of Reade and Melissa Neumiller.
Activities: FFA, Student Council, PACT
Favorite Class: Behavioral Psychology. I learned a lot about myself and how I could change my own behavior to become a better person. I also learned ways I can help others' behaviors in my future career.
Favorite Teacher: Teresa Felderman. She taught me behavioral psychology in a way that was hands on and encouraged us to dive deeper when conducting our observations and trials. She was always willing to help yet was strict with what she required.
Favorite FBS Memory: Learning the correct way to dispose of a lightbulb in a LifeSmarts contest.
Future plans: I plan to attend NDSU for a Master's in Dietetics.
Congrats Nicole!

Summer is just around the corner and that means that the summer reading program will be starting! The theme this year is "Road Trip". Information will be going home with students.

Location/Time Change: HWC SB will now be playing in Wilton. They will play Washburn at 3:00PM and Wilton at 5:00PM and JV will play at 7:00PM.

All library books are due on Monday, May 16.

Today our senior spotlight is Alex Heilman. He is the son of Allen and Sarah Heilman.
Activities: FFA, fishing, hunting, and powersports
Favorite Class: POD Because it has given us the most useful real world knowledge.
Favorite teacher: David Locken. He is very knowledgeable, works very well with students, and is very respectable.
Favorite school memory: When Garin and I got out of class to go to Mr. Loffs to get his grill for lunch that day.
Future plans: I plan on attending Bismarck State College to obtain an associates degree in farm and ranch management. After college I plan on continuing to make hay as well as work with my parents on the family farm.
We wish you all the best Alex!